Physiochemical Treatment of Residual Water from the Cromatization Process




waste water, Chromium VI, sodium metabisulfite


The problem of environmental pollution brings with it problems that affect the development of all living beings, such as plants, animals, including man [1]. Water is one of the main natural resources that are affected by industrial activity, since many industrial processes depend on it for the production of products or it is used as an auxiliary service, essential in unitary operations, for which it must be established procedures for water treatment that help conserve its nature and preservation for future generations [1]. The concern about environmental pollution has promoted the research and development of sustainable technologies, as well as increasingly strict regulations so that industrial processes through clean technologies can reduce the levels of pollutants in effluents. In most companies, wastewater with concentrations of polluting substances is generated, due to the fact that treatment methods are economically unfeasible and have low effectiveness. In industry, chrome is used in: tanning processes, textile pigments, alloys, catalysts, anticorrosive agents, batteries, fungicides, metallic coatings, electro galvanizing, etc. The objective of this study was to establish the methodology for the reduction of Chromium VI to Chromium III in wastewater, as well as its control to comply with the parameters established in the NOM-001-SEMARNAT-1996 Standard [22]. The results obtained after treatment were from 0.059 to 0.99mg/L of chromium III. It is concluded that the treatment with sodium metabisulfite is a good option for the reduction of chromium. The relevance of this study is that the water can be reused for irrigating green areas.


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How to Cite

Physiochemical Treatment of Residual Water from the Cromatization Process. (2024). Científica, 26(2), 1-9.