A Review of the Current State of Solar Stills for Alcohol Production





solar energy, solar still, distillation, alcohol


The COVID-19 pandemic led, among other things, to a shortage of ethyl alcohol in Mexico, the main component of antibacterial gel. This is mainly due to the regrettable increase in demand, but also due to limited production. To prevent this scenario, it is essential to look for other sources of supply, with the production of alcoholic beverages, artisanal and industrial, being the best option. However, it is important that alcohol production is sustainable. An alternative to the distillation process is the application of solar energy, which results in an efficient solution to meet current needs, as well as being friendly to the environment by not generating polluting emissions and using a renewable resource that is free. Many regions of the country can also get worse from this technology, Mexico has native drinks and with denomination of origin such as tequila or mezcal. In this article, an in-depth review of the scientific production on the prototypes that have been developed to distill alcohol both abroad and in Mexico is carried out.


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How to Cite

A Review of the Current State of Solar Stills for Alcohol Production. (2024). Científica, 27(2), 1-9. https://doi.org/10.46842/ipn.cien.v27n2a02