Analysis of Power System for Flight Computer of a CubeSat Nano Satellite




nanosatellite, telecommunications, power subsystem, COTS, CubeSat


CubeSats devices were conceived with the goal of providing students with experiences in small-scale aerospace design, construction, and testing. Because of this, CubeSats have competitive advantages compared to other satellites; emphasizing the cost, flexibility, and use of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) products. Likewise, the power board of these devices plays a crucial role in the power system, since it is responsible for distributing electrical power to each of the satellite components, safely and efficiently. However, the use of electronics not designed for space missions often compromises the performance and reliability of our device. Therefore, the analysis of the PCB board is of the utmost importance to guarantee the correct operation of the CubeSat, safeguarding its integrity and the dependent subsystems. This document proposes the analysis of a power board for the flight computer, using redundant, control and fault recording systems, as well as the use of COTS components for its implementation, adaptation and scope in any industrial, educational and commercial environment; in order to improve the performance of the device.


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How to Cite

Analysis of Power System for Flight Computer of a CubeSat Nano Satellite. (2024). Científica, 27(2), 1-12.