Analysis of an Autonomous Driving System




artificial intelligence, autonomous driving, LIDAR, object detection algorithm, YOLO


Due to the technological advance in automation and artificial intelligence applied to the autonomy of vehicles, it has caused the levels of assistance for autonomous driving to be more relevant since, according to the INEGI from 2016 to 2020 there is a sustained decrease in the number of deceases in traffic accidents. [1] That is why the Society of Automotive Engineers SAE standardized a classification where 6 levels of driving assistance are defined which includes driving without automation to total autonomous driving. [2] This article shows the operation of an autonomous driving system having an assistance level 3 carried out through Matlab Simulink, a scenario was developed by means of an UNREAL ENGINE graphic engine that had a realistic environment that shows pedestrians and car traffic as well as different track and road layouts. The performance tests were carried out in a simulated environment where an object detector algorithm called You Only Look Once in its version 2 is used. YOLO oversees detecting cars, pedestrians, and signs by means of a camera and a LIDAR sensor. (Light Detection and Range) to extend the field of vision artificially.


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