“AsesoraMe”, a Mobile Application for the Management of Academic Tutoring, an Approach from Software Engineering





academic tutoring, mobile application, software engineering


This article reports the creation of "AsesoraMe" a mobile application designed to expedite and enhance the coordination of tutoring between students and teachers of the Unidad Profesional de Ingeniería Campus Tlaxcala (UPIIT), part of the Instituto Politécnico Nacional. Peer counseling is a tutorial figure in IPN that aims to regularize students and prevent student desertion, a recurring event at the higher level. The foundation of AsesoraMe is the ability provided to students to register, create profiles and specify their areas of knowledge and availability in order to offer tutoring or deciding the role to take (student, advisor or both). In addition, the platform incorporates an appointment and reminder scheduling system ensuring the timeliness and effectiveness of the sessions as well as exploring the available advisory options and applying filters according to their specific needs.
The mobile application was planned, designed and implemented through software engineering; this discipline is interested in all aspects of software production. It has the advantage that it deals from the early stages of system specification to the maintenance of the system after it is put into operation. The technologies used for the development of the application were Dart, JavaScript, MySQL.


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How to Cite

“AsesoraMe”, a Mobile Application for the Management of Academic Tutoring, an Approach from Software Engineering. (2024). Científica, 28(1), 1-13. https://doi.org/10.46842/ipn.cien.v28n1a02