Analysis of the Free Flow Generated by a Two-Blade Axial Fan




axial fan, induced flow, flow contraction


This paper analyses experimentally the flow generated by a two blades axial fan to determine the position in which the average induced axial velocity is maximum and the radius of the flow contraction (wake) in that position. For this, the radial distribution of the induced axial velocity in different planes parallel to the plane of fan rotation was measured. From the data obtained it was determined that the average maximum induced axial velocity is at a distance equal to 33% of the radius of the fan and the contraction radius at that position is 70.2% of the fan radius. Similarly, it was found that the local induced axial velocity is maximum in the radial limit of the flow contraction generated by the fan and is higher while the plane of rotation is closer.


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How to Cite

Analysis of the Free Flow Generated by a Two-Blade Axial Fan. (2024). Científica, 28(1), 1-10.