Yuchai Piston Casting Mold Design


  • Tania María Pérez-Sajudo Universidad de Pinar del Rio Author




Yuchai piston, cast iron, metal molds


Cuba through its years of Revolution has crossed by an open economy and dependent on its external economic relations, not being exempt from the impacts of the crisis that have manifested in the instability of the prices of the products that it exchanges. Due to this and as part of the reorganization of the Metal-Mechanical Industry, the piston smelter that was located in Cerro-La Habana, went to Pinar de Río to the entity called Integral Company of Automotive Services (EISA), who assumes the challenge of continuing the casting of this important machine element, for which it had to equip itself with the necessary tools. To achieve this goal, a technology for the casting of Yuchai pistons in metal molds was proposed, thus contributing to fulfill the social commitment with the company, by substituting imports in the important task of remotorization and recovering automotive transport.

Author Biography

  • Tania María Pérez-Sajudo, Universidad de Pinar del Rio



F. Enrique, Manual del fundidor, La Habana: Científico-Técnica, 1986.

U. C. Villas, Guía tecnológica de fundición, La Habana: ISPJAE, 1970.

E. Yuchai, Manual de operaciones y mantenimiento del motor de diesel, China: Guangxi Ltda, 2009.

L. Goyo, Tecnología de fundición II, La Habana: ISPJAE, 1984.

N. Titov, Tecnología de fundición, Moscú: MIR, 1981.




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