Biomechanical System for Sports Reflex Training




sport biomechanics, mechatronics, computer vision


In the sports field, the improvement of reflexes is considered a crucial component during training. Various technological tools are used to train the eye-hand reaction ability, a capacity commonly associated with an athlete's reflexes. The devices used for those tasks are primarily based on remotely controlled lighting systems, combined with electronic touch sensors. However, some of these systems present physical limitations in terms of the time reaction estimation. Therefore, a biomechanical system for sports reflex training was developed through the design of a core XY Robot that implements the electromechanical and vision system to control their movements. This device uses a real-time digital video analysis, which allows the analysis of characteristics associated to the athlete's movement. The control of this robotic manipulator moves a lure that the athlete must follow to progressively train precision, speed, and accuracy of movement. The end effector is identified using a camera that constantly observes the movements made, recording the movements locally on a Raspberry PI development board for subsequent analysis. The design of this system allows for a scalable workspace adaptable to various disciplines. The entire system is simulated within the MATLAB-SIMULINK programming environment using the SIMSCAPE MULTIBODY module to estimate the discrete parameters of the transfer function of the Core XY robotic manipulator's motion kinematics. In controlled tests, it was found that the movement detection of the cart is highly influenced by ambient light. Therefore, future modifications of the system aim to address this issue. This system offers a precise solution for training reflexes in athletes, providing a more accurate approach and potentially transforming the way coaches and athletes develop reaction skills in trainees.


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How to Cite

Biomechanical System for Sports Reflex Training. (2024). Científica, 28(2), 1-11.