Comparative Analysis of the Optimum Density and Ignition Speed for the Complete Combustion of the Corncob Belonging to the Zea Mays L.


  • Miguel Sebastián Arroyo-López Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas (ESPE) Author
  • Francis Michelle Guerrero-Espinosa Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas (ESPE) Author
  • Eduardo Roberto Gutiérrez-Gualotuña Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas (ESPE) Author



biomass combustion, preparation of biomass, corncob as fuel


This paper shows mathematical models of the physical indicators that characterize the performance of the studied fuel material for the determination of the optimal manufacturing parameters of the corncob of Zea Mays L. for later use as a fuel. As such parameters are selected grain size, compaction level and moisture content. Mathematical models are elaborated for the estimation of the upper and lower caloric powers, upper and lower ignition speed and the density obtained as a function of the manufacturing parameters. The optimization model of both caloric powers is deduced and the solution procedure is determined. Optimal manufacturing values were found and the optimization results were plotted with respect to manufacturing parameters. Finally, the relations of these indicators with respect to the ignition speed and density obtained were found to show how the best configuration that maximizes the caloric power affects the behavior of these variables.


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How to Cite

Comparative Analysis of the Optimum Density and Ignition Speed for the Complete Combustion of the Corncob Belonging to the Zea Mays L. (2024). Científica, 23(1), 43-50.