Optimization of a polymer mixture using new-waste materials for the manufacturing industry
hardness, reciclacy, polystirene, master batch, mixtureAbstract
The present assignment has of purpose the analysis of the micro hardness of the polystyrene cristal HF555 with black masterbatch, so that we can find the differences between using different percentages of material new-recycled. The 5 samples that were obtained were injection inlet channels, that go from 100% of recycled material till 100% of new material (virgin) with intervals of 25% between each sample. After performing 50 indentations under the method of micro hardness Vickers, the results show that there does exist differences in using more than 50% of recycled material against using 100% therefore we can conclude that if we use a mixture with the 75% of recycled material or more, we obtain less resistance to penetration on the colored polystyrene and from using a mixture with 50% recycled and 50% virgin, a greater resistance to penetration is obtained. At the beginning of this assignment, the proposal was that the ideal mixture would be 75% recycled and 25% virgin, but based on the data obtained this is not possible.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Aaron Guerrero Basilio, David Sánchez Huitron, Daniel Sánchez Huerta, Noe López Perrusquia, Marco Antonio Doñu Ruiz, José Antonio Juanico Lorán, Andrés López Velázquez, Víctor Jorge Cortes Suarez (Autor/a)

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