Development of a Printed Text to Braille Translation System using the Mechatronic Design Methodology
inclusion, braille, machine vision, mechatronic systems, communication technologiesAbstract
The paper addresses the development of a system for the translation of printed texts into Braille language using the mechatronic design methodology, with the aim of improving access to knowledge for people with visual impairment. It highlights the use of artificial vision technologies and mechanisms to recreate Braille letters to facilitate learning in this language at an early age. The proposed station allows the user to read any printed text in a conventional way and provides useful information for caregivers, tutors or personnel in charge of the user of the prototype. Recommendations for the use of the system are mentioned, such as avoiding light-reflecting papers and using legible letters. The success of the project is highlighted since the system can recognize handwritten text, providing effective and accessible solutions for the visually impaired community. In addition, updates and corrections to improve the user experience are presented.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Umanel Azazael Hernández González, Flabio Dario Mirelez Delgado , José Javier Díaz Pérez, Jesús Letechipia Padilla, Roberto Oswaldo Cruz Leija (Autor/a)

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