Solar Drying of chicozapote (Manilkara zapota)


  • José Hernández-Rodríguez Universidad de Quintana Roo Author
  • Pedro Quinto-Diez Instituto Politecnico Nacional Author
  • Jorge Ovidio Aguilar-Aguilar Universidad de Quintana Roo Author
  • Gliserio Romeli Barbosa-Pool Universidad de Quintana Roo Author
  • Wilberth Ramón Razo-Pérez Universidad de Quintana Roo Author
  • Miguel Toledo-Velazquez Instituto Politecnico Nacional Author



drying, solar energy, agricultural products


This paper presents some advances about agricultural solar drying research in the University of Quintana Roo. In this case we present results of chicozapote drying (Manilkara zapota), using an indirect solar dryer installed in Chetumal. We found that with two days in March 2018, we reach a 12% of final moisture content in our samples, and in conventional laboratory drying test at 55°C, samples reach an 8% of moisture content. The main problem to solve is final quality of product, because drying provoke browning of product.


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How to Cite

Solar Drying of chicozapote (Manilkara zapota). (2024). Científica, 23(2), 135-139.