Analysis of the Transmission Time Interval Impact onthe 5G Radio Access Network Latency


  • Andrés Castro-Delgado Universidad del Cauca Author
  • Víctor Quintero-Flórez Author



5G, latency, TTI, numerology, new radio


5G Communication Systems are expected to support URLLC services, which impose strict latency and reliability requirements. The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has consider to restructure the 5G physical frame to adapt Time Transmission Interval (TTI) according to services requirements. This paper analyze the impact of the TTI on the 5G Radio Access Network (RAN) Latency. To achieve this, the 5G physical frame is studied and scenarios with different parameters are designed according to the physical level latency. These scenarios are implemented in the ns3 simulation tool, using the mmWave module for 5G systems. Results show that TTI influences significantly on the RAN latency, however it is necessary to consider network characteristics and services.


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How to Cite

Analysis of the Transmission Time Interval Impact onthe 5G Radio Access Network Latency. (2024). Científica, 24(1), 23-32.