Systemic-Transdisciplinary Method for the Design of eHealth Devices


  • José Rodrigo Espinoza-Bautista Instituto Politecnico Nacional Author
  • Salvador Álvarez-Ballesteros Instituto Politecnico Nacional Author
  • Chadwick Carreto-Arellano Instituto Politecnico Nacional Author
  • Julián Patiño-Ortiz Instituto Politécnico Nacional Author
  • Mario Romero-Castro Servicios Axtel S.A. de C.V. Author



eHealth devices, methodology, systems thinking, human factor, transdisciplinary


eHealth has made possible to improve the performance of multiple health systems around the world, through national strategies of integration (structured and coordinated) of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to the health sector, however, once the basis for develop and implement eHealth solutions are set, there is no single way for researchers, engineers, doctors and other stakeholders to work on the creation of eHealth solutions. For this reason, a method with a systemic-transdisciplinary approach is proposed for the design of eHealth devices, with the intention of satisfying the requirements and needs of all those involved in the use of the device and with the regulations established in the different countries. From the systemic approach and transdisciplinary, the development of a method that synergistically different systemic methods, as well as, allowing the continuous collaboration and sharing of experiences of those involved, is proposed. Consequently, the method will allow the design of eHealth devices that, regardless of their use, are attached to the needs of the user, requirements of the staff that will use it, regulations and policies of the country where they are developed and also can provide total satisfaction of the device. Finally, the design of eHealth solutions through systemic thinking allows, from the analysis of needs and requirements, to deliver a product that satisfies all those involved and be sustainable, through the exploration of diverse perspectives, the observation of the context, the participation of those involved, discussion and agreement of interests.


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How to Cite

Systemic-Transdisciplinary Method for the Design of eHealth Devices. (2024). Científica, 24(1), 33-40.