Effect of wood preservation with boron on the dynamic modulus evaluation by ultrasound


  • Javier Ramón Sotomayor-Castellanos Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo Author




absorption, bath hot-cold, retention, wave speed, wood density


The goal of the research was to observe the effect of the preservation treatment with boron salts on the density, wave speed and dynamic modulus of elasticity in wood samples of Guazuma ulmifolia, Spathodea campanulata and Abies religiosa. Using the bath hot-cold method, thirty-five normalized specimens were prepared and preserved with a three percent concentration solution. For each species, density, wave velocity and dynamic modulus of elasticity were determined, before and after the treatment. In addition, absorption and salt retention were calculated. For the variables before and after the treatment, there were realized tests of difference of means, and were calculated models of regression. It was found that the impregnation treatment modifies the wood density, the wave speed and the dynamic modulus of elasticity of G. ulmifolia, S. campanulata and A. religiosa. However, the retention of boron salts for G. ulmifolia, S. campanulata and A. religiosa is particular to each species and satisfies the necessary standards for their use in conditions in which a protection treatment is required.


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How to Cite

Effect of wood preservation with boron on the dynamic modulus evaluation by ultrasound. (2024). Científica, 24(1), 67-76. https://doi.org/10.46842/ipn.cien.v24n1a08