Model to Determine the Dispatch and Cost of Reactive PowerGeneration of the GCROR in a Released Electricity Market
reactive power generation, wholesale electricity market, auxiliary services, particle swarm optimization, independent system operator, generation costAbstract
Since 2013, Mexico has liberated its energy sector and thereby ventures into the Wholesale Electricity Market (MEM) model. In this context, the network services that are necessary to perform the energy transmission service called auxiliary services, such as the reactive power of generation due to its particularity of having a local effect, enter into the controversy of: how they should be managed? Who should give the service? And how much should be paid for the service? These are some controversies that arise when liberating an electricity sector. This paper proposes to use a stochastic method called Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) that is applied in an Electric Power System (EPS) in order to obtain an efficient reactive power dispatch that gives security and reliability to the EPS, once this scenario is determined, the methodology proposed can be applied to obtain the cost of reactive power for each generator. The PSO method can obtain a quick solution based on having an efficient reactive power dispatch respecting voltage bands on buses with the minimum electrical losses, using the CENACE System Independent Operator's electrical network, at a voltage level of 400 kV. The main conclusions of this research are: the efficient administration of reactive power using EPO, reduces electrical losses to a minimum, constants C1 and C2 are important to obtain better results in optimization and the proposed method is a practical tool to use in time real, because the reactive power supplied has a local impact that is within the scope of the system operator.
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