Suppression of an Infrared Emission Line at 1550nm Using a Bragg Fiber Optic Rating System, Tunedby Mechanical Stress


  • Raúl Benítez-Álvarez Instituto Politecnico Nacional Author



Bragg grating, photonics converters, optics fiber


One of the most important characteristics of spectroscopic analysis is the possibility offered by techniques and instruments to explore the atomic and molecular structures of some chemical compounds, analyzing the direct effect on the photons of the radiation used for the interaction of matter and Energy. At the moment with the development of the technologies of miniaturization of electronic components based on silicon oxide it is possible to design optical devices that, starting from the laws of photonics, further expand the field of scientific and technological opportunity of these analysis techniques. This work shows the design of a multi-channel system based on SiO2 silicon oxide fibers to which a variation in the refractive index is printed, with the purpose of being used as filters to suppress emission lines in lengths particular wave; The result obtained in a wavelength of interest for telecommunications at 1550 nm is shown and a conceptual design of a multi-fiber converter for manufacturing with micro-machining technology is described.


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How to Cite

Suppression of an Infrared Emission Line at 1550nm Using a Bragg Fiber Optic Rating System, Tunedby Mechanical Stress. (2024). Científica, 24(2), 97-101.