State-of-the-art RLC Model Optimization and Fabrication Challenges of High-Frequency Carbon Nanotube-Based Interconnectors


  • Irving Larruz-Castillo Instituto Politecnico Nacional Author
  • Aníbal Pacheco-Sánchez Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona Author
  • Donato Valdez-Peréz Instituto Politecnico Nacional Author



ABCD-parameters, compact-model, impedance equation, literature review, S-parameters


A literature review about the carbon nanotubes (CNTs) highfrequency electrical properties and their applications is exhibited on the following paper. The results of these implementations are shown and analyzed. A CNT-based RLC model for interconnectors is selected and a brief analysis of it is performed on detail. The device impedance function is obtained and by using the suggested values of the CNT-interconnects an analysis at high frequencies (more than 100 GHz) is presented. The device scattering parameters (S) equations are calculated from the ABCD matrix representation of equivalent circuit components. An optimization of such characteristic equation using the RLC circuit components towards the description of the experimental device data is performed. Lastly, the challenges of the CNTs based interconnectors fabrication used on different devices are discussed.


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How to Cite

State-of-the-art RLC Model Optimization and Fabrication Challenges of High-Frequency Carbon Nanotube-Based Interconnectors. (2024). Científica, 24(2), 111-123.