Determination of the Calorific Power Value of the Balsa Wood through Artificial Neural Networks Modeling in a Downdraft Gasification Facility


  • Eddy Bladimir Ibarra-Sánchez Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ¨Espe Author
  • Álvaro Luis Oñate-Chiliquinga Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ¨Espe Author
  • Ángelo Homero Villavicencio-Poveda Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ¨Espe Author



gasification, biomass, mathematical modeling, artificial neural networks, caloric power


This work presents the main research results obtained by the authors in the model based on the prediction the calorific power of the synthesis gas obtained through thermochemical downdraft gasification facilities of the boat wood with the of techniques of artificial neural networks. An analysis of the state-of-the-art study of previous research work linked to the mathematical modeling of these facilities was made out by the different techniques reflected in the specialized literature. The modeling is carried out using experimental factor 3n , which is applied in the adquisition of experimental data; with the help of Matlab the prediction tecniques applied on neural networks are performed over the data with satisfactory results.The selection of variables for experimentation takes into account the geographical location from which the forest waste is obtained from the raft, as it is produced in a warm- humid tropical climate. Literature is known that one of the factors that significantly influences calorific power is moisture. Obviously, the amount of oxygen contained in the air in the process is regulated by an intake valve, furthermore is a predominant factor in the mass added to the process. Considering this, the artificial neural network obtained allows the prediction calorific power resulting from the gasification of the raft with an error of 2.6 MJ/g and an adjustment of 86 %, which allows for an appropriate prediction.


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How to Cite

Determination of the Calorific Power Value of the Balsa Wood through Artificial Neural Networks Modeling in a Downdraft Gasification Facility. (2024). Científica, 24(2), 103-110.