Procedure for Obtaining CAD Models of Prismatic Pieces from Orthogonal Projection Digitization Techniques. Lock Key Punch Study Case




CAD models, punch, digitization, profile projector


The Computer Aid Design and Engineering technics (CAD/CAE) has reached enormous importance in the mechanical industry, because it reduces as much the economic cost as the design time of pieces, machines and structural components. In the metals forming process it is crucial the punch and die geometry control, since geometric defects in this type of tool are usually very expensive. For the effective analysis using the Finite Elements Method (FEM) it is important to determine the models geometric characteristics. In the present investigation, a procedure is presented to determine the blanking punch geometry for locks keys from digitization technique of orthogonal projections in which is used a digital bench profiles projector CPJ-3000A. Later, the geometry is imported to a CAD software for obtain the virtual model of forming tool. The virtual model presented capable geometric characteristics for a subsequent numerical simulation work, demonstrating that the presented procedure constitutes a viable alternative for the 3D digitization of medium complexity mechanical pieces.


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How to Cite

Procedure for Obtaining CAD Models of Prismatic Pieces from Orthogonal Projection Digitization Techniques. Lock Key Punch Study Case. (2024). Científica, 25(1), 1=13.