Evaluation Study of Psychosocial Risk in the Performance of Private Security Work





risk, workplace violence, regulations


The study was carried out in an institution of higher education in the State of Mexico, it analyzes factors related to a regulatory requirement that establishes the elements to identify, analyze and prevent psychosocial risk factors, as well as to promote a favorable organizational environment in work centers and increase productivity in the performance of security personnel. The Project refers to the sensitization of NOM-035-STPS-2018 that was released for public consultation on October 26, 2016 and was published on October 23, 2018, to enter into force on October 23, 2019 The Statistical Method applied was the Regression Analysis between productivity in administrative performance (Variable sum of products since in conceptual form it is expressed as the production of resources per unit of time), of the Variables of the Organizational Ergonomics and to give it explanatory support for the variables, a matrix of correlations between the variables and the Rula and OWAS Ergonomic Methods is used. The results show that there is a high risk for security workers to acquire pathologies in the medium and long term.

Author Biography

  • Raquel Muñoz-Hernández, Universidad Politecnica del Valle de Mexico



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How to Cite

Evaluation Study of Psychosocial Risk in the Performance of Private Security Work. (2024). Científica, 25(1), 1-18. https://doi.org/10.46842/ipn.cien.v25n1a03