Design Methodology for five-bar Parallel Robots with two Degrees of Freedom




brushless motor, design methodology, kinematics, simulation


In this paper, a methodology for the design of two-degree-of-freedom five-bar parallel robots is proposed that makes use of technological tools to simplify the design process. The use of simulators allows design without the need for the use and calculation of the dynamic model of the system, thus speeding up the design process and allowing design adjustments efficiently. The methodology is presented with a flow diagram where the following steps are developed: definition of problem and constraints, calculation of inverse kinematics, proposal of the length of the links, proposal of actuators, proposal of design and material of links, CAD design, dynamic simulation, finite element analysis, prototype construction, microcontroller programming, power stage selection and interface design. A two-degree-of-freedom five-bar robot is developed to exemplify the design methodology and it is validated that it fulfills the problem and the defined task.


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How to Cite

Design Methodology for five-bar Parallel Robots with two Degrees of Freedom. (2024). Científica, 25(1), 1-16.