Failure Analysis on Metallic Thread Rolls
carbides, microstructure, alloy elements, fractureAbstract
A failure analysis using characterization techniques on a mechanical element called Rol was done; designed to make internal ropes with arrows, the material of the mechanical element is an AISI M5 steel. Visual analysis of the part, penetrating liquids, HRC hardness, optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy to determine the cause of its failure in service. The study shows that failure occurred due to mechanical fatigue. In the area around the periphery of the role, there are areas with irregular carbides in the matrix with irregular hardness and presence of microstructural changes. A crack is presented in periphery role; this leads later to the collapse and fracture of the role. With characterization techniques, the diverse factors that caused the fracture are determined, as well as the results of the metallurgical studies, concluding that the thermal treatment is not optimal.
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