Analysis of the sensitivity, small-signal and dynamic responses of a GMR sensor




small signal response, GMR sensors, magnetic sensors, dynamic sensitivity of GMR sensors


In this paper the analysis of the sensitivity of a Giant Magnetoresistance-based sensor AAl002 type is carried out when it is used to measure time-varying magnetic fields superposed on static components. In order to obtain an experimental transfer characteristic from the output voltage of the GMR sensor, the magnetic field generated by a Helmholtz coil was measured. From the experimental transfer characteristic, it was obtained the sensitivity response of the GMR sensor and then it was experimentally validated. Results reveal that there exists a region in which the sensitivity response of the GMR sensor is linear. Outcomes show that to improve measurements of small time-varying magnetics fields, a polarization magnetic field should be used. The superadded magnetic field should be selected according to the type of in function time (ac or dc) magnetic field to be measured. The corresponding superadded magnetic field operation range for each measurement type are presented and described in this paper.


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How to Cite

Analysis of the sensitivity, small-signal and dynamic responses of a GMR sensor. (2024). Científica, 25(2), 1-14.