Optimization of a lift mechanism for a hospital robotic bed





numerical optimization, genetic algorithms, mechanisms, actuators


CamaBot is a robotic hospital bed composed of four basic mechanisms (mattress support, panning mechanism, bed base and lifting mechanism). The lifting mechanism consists of two crank-sliding (CS) systems that together form a six-bar kinematic system. The problem that exists in the lufting mechanism is that due to the force exerted by the actuators on the slides, the supports and joints of the lifting mechanism presented mechanical failures due to tearing in welded joints. Currently, CamaBot is in operation from a redesign carried out at that stage. To solve the problematic presented in this article, we have applied a numerical optimization technique based on genetic algorithms using the Matlab® Genetic Algorithm ToolBox, to optimize the geometry of the CamaBot lifting mechanism by minimizing the force exerted by the actuators, aiming at solving the tearing problem at the welded joints.


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How to Cite

Optimization of a lift mechanism for a hospital robotic bed. (2024). Científica, 25(2), 1-19. https://doi.org/10.46842/ipn.cien.v25n2a06