Web application for practice with vectors and educational support under the Web-Based Education model





Vectors, Web Application, Education 4.0, Web Based Education, Multimedia


The proposal presented a web application for practice with vectors in the Cartesian xy plane, being this a support tool in subjects such as: mechanics, vector calculus, linear algebra, electromagnetism, etc., constituting an advanced tool, where students practice their knowledge in a practical way, in accordance with the paradigm of Web Based Education (WBE). Vectors are a concept widely used in different subjects, but this concept is complex, complicated to understand, and in view of the COVID-19 health crisis we are still experiencing, it has exposed the need for support tools for students and educators, with the aim of complementing their daily classes with practical activities to create more enriching experiences in the classroom. The proposal presented seeks to create practical multimedia activities with vectors, for: equations, addition and subtraction of vectors; through the customization of vectors for scalar multiplication by configuring the coefficients of the vector equation, rendering the characteristics of the vectors such as: angle, vector components, and magnitude. The presented proposal fits with the designated Education 4.0, supporting projects and competences with vectors, providing more enriching practical experiences, incorporating in an innovative way the technology in the teaching/learning process with vectors. The contributions of the proposal in the Front-end are based on the component model with the following advantages: conquest of complexity, management of change, and maximizes the reuse of the parts of the project. The use of software patterns has allowed to improve the architecture of the proposal by improving: composition, scalability, maximization of reuse and maintainability. The CRUD of the proposal has enabled the development of interactive, reconfigurable and dynamic multimedia exercises.


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How to Cite

Web application for practice with vectors and educational support under the Web-Based Education model. (2024). Científica, 26(1), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.46842/ipn.cien.v26n1a03