Sublunary Movement


  • Mario Antonio Ramirez Flores Instituto Politecnico Nacional Author
  • Manuel Galileo Santos Caballero Instituto Politecnico Nacional Author



complex variable, celestial mechanics, artificial satellites, orbits


There are different ways to solve motion problems, namely, Newtonian, Lagrangian, Hamiltonian, powerful methods in solving any problem related to motion and its possible causes. In the current case, the use of the Complex Variable is presented, which turns out to be another approach for solving application problems, ergo, it shows another way in the procedure to solve mechanical problems. The applications of the complex variable are of great importance in different areas of engineering, in this article the problem of the orbit of an artificial satellite around the earth is analyzed, whose solution involves the definition of complex numbers, and from it, the concepts of complex speed and acceleration are reached, in order to establish the complex equations for the description of the movement.


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