Numerical modeling of an elastomer (NBR) subjected to axial load




elastomer, hyperactivity, ASTM D412, CAD/CAE, Marlow


Currently the product manufacturing market demands the improvement of materials with lower cost and higher quality. The present investigation was developed in an automotive factory in Mexico where high-pressure hydraulic hoses are manufactured, this company search to innovate the materials to be able to compete against other brands. Making products with new materials implies develops experimental tests that involve time and cost. This project sought to reduce the time and cost of testing by analyzing the base material with CAD/CAE tools. The base material of the hose is an elastomer, therefore a methodology for obtain the model number with the hyperplastic properties to know the behavior before taking construction tests. The finite element analysis was performed with specialized software, which allowed the analysis of elastomers based on the ASTM D412 methodology, referring to tests of vulcanized rubbers subjected to pressure, establishing the geometry and boundary conditions. The study found that the constitutive model with the closest approximation to the hyperplastic behavior for vulcanized rubber was the Marlow model.


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How to Cite

Numerical modeling of an elastomer (NBR) subjected to axial load. (2024). Científica, 26(2), 1-15.