Design of a Locomotion Mechanism for a Metamorphic Exploration Robot
metamorphic robot, four bar mechanism, arthropod robot, 3D printing technologyAbstract
This article proposes the design of a mechanical system capable of executing morphosis between a hexapod-type walking robot and a spherical robot, based on a Four-bar model, allowing exploration in different terrains and manufacturing based on 3D printing technology. The design of elements that make up this prototype was developed under the technical perspective of Quality Function Design (QFD) methodology, obtaining an experimental result by Crank-Beam system coupled to each limb, which allowed typical locomotion of an arthropod robot, at the same time, extend the mobility capacity by generating a morphosis to perform a spherical locomotion. This locomotion was developed with aim of taking advantage of dynamic on a surface where the mechanism cover allowed unrestricted movement, specifically, on a regular flat terrain, bio-inspired by "flic-flac" movement of desert spider (Cebrennus Villosus). The kinematic analysis was represented by analytical method. The geometry and dimensions of elements were developed for their manufacture with 3D printing technology, based on mechanical properties of Polylactic-Lactic Acid (PLA) material, without compromising the load and torque capacities of Bioloid® robot servomotors, which was used as base of design. To verify the capacity of mechanism, a general finite element analysis was carried out, with which it is possible to verify that material satisfies the mechanical properties necessary for its operational use.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Mario Ricardo Cruz-Deviana, Ricardo Tapia-Herrera, Arturo Aguilar-Pérez, Jesús Alberto Meda-Campaña, Sergio Guillermo Torres-Cedillo, Jacinto Cortés-Pérez, Alberto Reyes-Solís (Autor/a)

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