Current Situation of Restaurant Microenterprises in Destinations with a Tourist Vocation from a Systemic Perspective




Service quality, restaurant microenterprises, Soft Systems Methodology


The quality of the service has acquired a very important role, which is why food companies or restaurants have been adjusting to current needs. However, there is no entity that evaluates and supports food and beverage microenterprises, which are of great support and economic support to México, representing 95.3% of the total economic units with a contribution of 1.1% of GDP. This research work interprets the current situation of restaurant microenterprises in destinations with a tourist vocation from a systemic perspective. For this purpose, the Systemic Paradigm is used through the Soft Systems Methodology. As a result, a systemic diagnosis of these microenterprises is reached, identifying their conflicting interactions and the lack of relationships between actors and entities, laying the ground work for the relevant systems in the dynamics of quality management of restaurant microenterprises.


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How to Cite

Current Situation of Restaurant Microenterprises in Destinations with a Tourist Vocation from a Systemic Perspective. (2024). Científica, 27(1), 1-14.