TSP Model to Route Planning in a Cleaning Services Company





transport route design, traveling salesman problem, process optimization, operations management


This work is developed to support the decision-making of a service company. This company provides residential and commercial cleaning services. The company is located in San Diego CA. and the beginning of its operations was in 2008. Currently the company does not have a quantitative tool for the analysis or planning its routes, therefore it has the potential to optimized and improve its efficiency or expand its current capacity to respond the services demanded. The development and solution of a model proposed in this work is a solution to solve an instance corresponding to the application of the TSP model that implies a fixed origin and n processing destination nodes, there is a designed cleaning service for each node and that each node has to be visited only once except for the origin. According to the results, it was possible to identify a potential for improvement in terms of the execution times of the company's activities of 32% (percentage reduction), the result shows the benefit in terms of better use of current capacity of the company to meet the demanded services, and eventually additional capacity (obtained by optimization) could be assigned to meet non-scheduled services without the need to incur greater hiring or increase coverage of scheduled demand with the same operating resources (personal and vehicles).


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How to Cite

TSP Model to Route Planning in a Cleaning Services Company. (2024). Científica, 27(1), 1-14. https://doi.org/10.46842/ipn.cien.v27n1a03